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· 2 min read


docker-compose + nginx + typescript + webpack + react + nest.js/express jest + ESLint + MySQL

  • redux + babel + vue3

nginx w3 school 搜索

docker based starter repository aiming for enterprise solutions.


  • 前后端分离
  • 网站管理、访客计数等、开发的测试
  • 管理员端、用户端、访客端
  • 导入csv为mysql
  • 缓存+实时链接
  • tab标签分类:用途、结构、公司 搜索引擎
  • 定时更新数据库
  • 响应式设计
  • 数据库设计
  • 单元测试 数据库驱动的网站 用户注册

included Technologies/Libraries Node LTS/17 React 18 Webpack 4 Redux Typescript EsLint Jest Axios React testing library Browser devtools Included Features PWA support Translation service Logging service Serviceworker caching Webworker support Sass support Static assets Conditional routing Redux localstorage syncing Lazy loading Serverless sharing state between browser windows File generation from templates with package.json and project.json data Development, production and test builds Github actions integration Hot module replacement VSCode integration Code linting and autoformatting Single docker image as output file


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